Monday, May 5, 2008

My reaction on An incononveinent truth movie

In this essay I will show you my opinion about the incononveinent truth with the reason which let me enjoy it.

In my opinion it was an interesting movie because the lecturer interprets in the movie the changes in climate and the temperature and he describes the results of these changes. Such as the breaking and the melting of the ice in west. In addition, he concentrated in the movie how global warming can effect in environment and climate. However we saw how Mr. AL-Gore he traveled from one place to another and how he is determined to find solution for this problem by making conferences about global warming. Nevertheless he also makes the lecture funny in that he does not only talk about information on the subject of the film. In addition he mentioned possible solutions for the "global warming" like trying to reduce our carbon emissions in the world. That demonstrates for us that he not only looking for the problem only he also finds some solutions for it.

This is precisly about why I like this movie.


mansoor 174 blog project said...

السـلآم عليكم ورحمه اللهًِ..
hi ali.. really you have nice opinion about glibal warming... I interesting about it.. and I will send more comment because you have nice essays.

Ali Alhosani 174blogproject said...

Hi Ali, I strongly agree about what sent. In my opinion I mentioned that he didn't go throut the solution in detail.